a16z Crypto recommends developers to conduct standard attribute testing before deploying ERC4626
ChainCatcher news, a16z Crypto has written the standard properties for the tokenized vault standard (ERC-4626) and tested these properties against approximately 100 ERC-4626 Vaults, finding that many Vaults failed to comply with the standard requirements.
a16z Crypto states that the creation of ERC-4626 aims to make protocol integration easier, but adjusting existing Vaults is not straightforward. Each ERC-4626 Vault must accurately implement the descriptive requirements of the standard, and this complexity is likely to lead to security vulnerabilities. Therefore, a16z has written the ERC-4626 standard properties to capture the subtle differences in requirements that may be easily overlooked, recommending that developers conduct tests before deployment to check for potential issues. Vault integrators can also verify whether a given Vault complies with the standard before integration.
According to the introduction, ERC-4626 was officially launched in March, and the protocols currently supporting this standard include Balancer, Maple Finance, Yearn Finance V3, Convex, and others. (source link)