HoloFuel: A Next-Generation Application Based on Holochain
Author: Holochain
Compiled by: ChainCatcher
Last year, we released the HoloFuel hApp to community testers on an earlier version of Holochain. While the testing we conducted at that time focused on Holochain infrastructure, it allowed us to observe and listen, enabling testers to provide very valuable feedback. It helped us reimagine HoloFuel as an application. To keep our alpha testing community informed about what to expect, we are sharing the new design today.
HoloFuel can be installed locally or used as a hosted application on Holo for any network user. We have made improvements, now featuring a proper logo, a simpler user interface, and a more intuitive user experience. Here’s a quick overview.
HoloFuel will have a dashboard where users can view their balance, initiate transactions, and respond to incoming notifications.
HoloFuel allows recipients to accept or reject transactions. Transaction history can be filtered, sorted, and searched.
Sending and requesting transactions with the new HoloFuel workflow has become straightforward.
As you can see, we have been working hard on the design, but design is not the only area where we are making progress.
If you have been following our regular updates on Telegram or Twitter, you may already know that we now have a usable Elemental Chat application, and we are working hard to prepare Holochain and Holo infrastructure so that we can release it to all hosts. We are getting close.
However, it might be a bit challenging to understand how all the other details shared in these updates are helping us move towards other milestones on the roadmap. Here are some specific achievements from the past few weeks.
All this progress has led us to reevaluate our roadmap and make some changes.
Yes, you read that right! We are actually ahead of our expectations in certain areas. While completing infrastructure testing will take some time, as it is one of the most complex aspects of our work, we have been able to advance many other activities. Therefore, we decided to move the HoloFuel application up on the roadmap. Here’s what it looks like after the new changes.
However, it is more important to understand how much work has been completed. Here is our estimate of the work completed towards several milestones after the infrastructure release.
The past month has not only been a month of progress towards milestones for Holo and Holochain. It has also been a month of social upheaval, prompting us to deeply consider our position in future technologies and how we wish to contribute to society. As a team, we have reflected on the trend of power concentration and the responsibilities that come with inherent centralized technologies. We have also explored the fundamental differences between Holochain and Holo. The ways in which these two technologies work together yet differ will be a theme we explore in our writing next year. We look forward to the journey.
Finally, I would like to once again thank everyone in the application ecosystem and the testing community who continue to contribute their time and energy and are a key part of the project's success. Thank you.